Prompts Explorer: The Best ChatGPT Prompts Directory

Click on UniversalGPT *New* to quickly refine your prompt and get amazing answers from ChatGPT! 


3 EASY Steps to get amazing answers from ChatGPT using Prompts Explorer: The Best ChatGPT Prompts Directory!

1. Add Details at the text fields for the chosen prompt
2. Click Button to Copy Prompt + Open ChatGPT (BingChat needs Edge browser)
3. Paste Prompt at Message box and Start chat

Media and Art

   ✏ WriterGPT

  🎤 EntertainerGPT

Science and Technology

  📚 TeacherGPT
     2 - Quiz Me

  💻 ProgrammerGPT

Finance and Business

  💡 IdeasPersonGPT
     3 - Improve Your Idea *New*

Hobbies and DIY

 🍔 ChefGPT

Health and Mind

  💊 DoctorGPT

Tired of typing out frequently used but long ChatGPT prompts? 

Keen to know the latest cool thing ChatGPT can do?

Copy-Pasted a prompt somewhere but unsure how to modify it for your needs?

Prompts Explorer: The Best ChatGPT Prompts Directory is the answer! It is a useful and easy-to-use Start Menu to launch all your ChatGPT inquiries! 

3 BIG Advantages of using Prompts Explorer: The Best ChatGPT Prompts Directory: 

1. Asking ChatGPT for answers saves you time and energy from searching the Internet. With this directory and easy prompt modification, copy-pasting the best prompts instead of typing or refining prompts saves you even more time!

2. This directory consolidates all the best prompts found in the Internet, so you do not have to search elsewhere! Just visit this page regularly to discover new ways of using ChatGPT for productivity!

3. These GPT prompts are completely FREE, easy to copy-paste and formatted for easy usage, unlike other websites that require costly fees / paywall, more manual copy-paste work or extension / apps installation to use the prompts. This webpage works well regardless of which mobile platform or browser you are using!

3 USEFUL Tips when using ChatGPT: 

1. When ChatGPT’s response is incomplete, prompt “Go on” or click the double-arrow icon for it to continue.

2. Provide a list of items for ChatGPT to perform the same action on multiple items, instead of using multiple prompts. You can use an initial separate prompt to generate the list first.

3. If your question requires a long answer but ChatGPT keeps answering in less than 500 words, try breaking up your question into smaller parts and ask it to reply to each part in 500 words to achieve a longer reply as a whole. 

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